4 Simple Steps to Cleaning Out Your Closet

4 Simple Steps to Cleaning Out Your Closet

Once you have designed your ideal capsule wardrobe, the next step is to clean out your closet!


Design Your Capsule Wardrobe

Design Your Capsule Wardrobe

In our series on building a capsule wardrobe, this blog post pulls it all together and helps you design your ideal capsule wardrobe!  


Does Your Wardrobe Suit your Lifestyle?

Does Your Wardrobe Suit your Lifestyle?

To get the most out of your closet, it helps to think about what activities you do every day vs. what types of clothes are actually in your wardrobe.


Build a Fit Guide for Your Wardrobe

Build a Fit Guide for Your Wardrobe

We are here to help you start identifying the patterns, so you can stop buying those troubled items, and instead build a wardrobe that you love.

Create a Wardrobe Color Palette

Create a Wardrobe Color Palette

This is part two of the Create a Capsule Wardrobe series! One of the most helpful things you can do when building a capsule wardrobe (or any wardrobe) is to create a color palette. 


Define Your Style

Define Your Style

This exercise will help you identify your style and create direction so that you can build a wardrobe you love by clearly define your personal style so that you can create a cohesive wardrobe.